Feeding Problems

Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrics specializing in Feeding Problems located in Portland, OR, providing virtual care throughout Washington and Oregon.

Feeding Problems Services Offered in Portland, OR

Feeding problems can begin at your baby’s first feeding or any time during childhood and adolescence. These challenges need prompt attention from Joy Eberhardt, MD, FAAP, at Orchid Pediatrics because feeding problems affect your child’s physical growth and development, as well as their mental and emotional wellbeing. To schedule an evaluation, call the office in Portland, Oregon, or request an in-person or telemedicine appointment online today.

What Are Feeding Problems?

Babies may have difficulty latching onto the breast, sucking, or swallowing. Children may only eat a few foods, avoid entire food groups, or refuse to eat foods with specific textures, odors, and colors.

These issues become a feeding problem when they don’t get enough nutrient-rich foods to stay healthy. They may start losing weight or fail to gain the weight appropriate for their age, a condition called failure to thrive.

What Causes Feeding Problems?

Feeding problems arise from many possible conditions. Children with developmental disabilities such as autism often have feeding problems related to sensory issues. They may gag at the odor of broccoli, have trouble tolerating certain textures, or eat foods of one color.

developmental pediatrician

Health conditions associated with feeding problems include:

  • Premature birth
  • Motility disorders
  • Cleft palate
  • Food allergies
  • Short gut syndrome
  • Esophagitis
  • Sensory processing disorder
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Oral motor dysfunction (difficulty swallowing)

You may also encounter behavioral issues that cause a feeding problem that can be identified by developmental behavioral pediatrics, such as throwing food, refusing to eat, and defiance.

How Can I Identify a Feeding Problem?

Though feeding problems are often visible, they can be hard to recognize in babies. Children may have signs that you don’t associate with feeding problems. In addition to the signs already mentioned (like avoiding textures), you may notice:


Crying or arching their back during feeding


Frequently spitting up or vomiting


Stopping bottle or breastfeeding after 10 minutes or less


Coughing, choking, or gagging when drinking or eating


Choking once and then not eating again


Not eating table foods by 12 months


Not using a cup by 16 months


Taking more than 30 minutes to eat


Developing a skin rash

Your child or teen may get angry or oppositional at meal time or start arguments about things other than food during meals. These behaviors may arise because of a feeding problem or, in teens, an eating disorder.

How Are Feeding Problems Treated?

The first step is getting to the root cause of your child’s feeding problem. Your Orchid Pediatrics provider reviews your child’s medical and eating history, does a physical exam, and runs diagnostic testing as needed.

Your child may need any combination of medical or behavioral therapies, depending on their diagnosis. Orchid Pediatrics provides many services and recommends specialists, such as devlopmental pediatrics, for others.

Feeding problems can dramatically impact your child’s growth and development, so don’t wait to schedule an appointment. Call Orchid Pediatrics or book an appointment online today.

Contact Orchid Pediatrics​

Use the brief form below to contact developmental pediatrician, Joy Eberhardt.

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Phone & Email

developmental pediatrics

Office Location

4850 SW Scholls Ferry Rd.
Suite 301
Portland, OR 97225

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