Anxiety and Depression Therapist

Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrics located in Portland, OR, providing virtual care throughout Washington and Oregon.

Anxiety and Depression Services Offered in Portland, OR

Anxiety and depression rank as the two most common mental health concerns in children, often causing symptoms that disrupt daily life. At Orchid Pediatrics, Joy Eberhardt, MD, FAAP, has extensive experience diagnosing and treating both conditions in youth of all ages. Without treatment, symptoms of anxiety and depression can persist for months or years and become increasingly worse. To get help, call the office in Portland, Oregon, or request an in-person or telemedicine appointment online today.

What Causes Anxiety and Depression?

Anxiety is a normal response when children face a challenging or threatening situation. Children as young as 8 months can show intense anxiety when separated from their parents. Young children may fear thunder or strangers, while school-age children may feel anxious over an upcoming test or peer pressure.

Children and teens often experience sadness and depression. These episodes occur in response to many life problems, but they’re generally short-lived.

However, children can also develop anxiety disorders and major depression. When anxiety or depression last several weeks or your child’s symptoms affect their ability to function and engage in daily life, it’s time to seek help.

What Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression Indicate My Child Has an Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety disorders generally cause symptoms such as:


Worry, dread, and fear


Irritability and nervousness


Difficulty sleeping


Stomach aches






Loss of appetite

However, children have different symptoms depending on the type of anxiety disorder. They may:


Have fears about the safety of their parents


Get upset when separating from parents


Refuse to go to school


Become more clingy than usual


Fear a specific thing or situation (such as dogs, needles, or insects)


Avoid socializing or struggle to make friends


Fear meeting or talking with people


Not want to leave their room or go outside

Children with generalized anxiety may constantly worry about many aspects of their life.

What symptoms does depression cause?

Children with depression experience the same symptoms as adults, including:

    • Having no energy
    • Feeling sad, worthless, and hopeless
    • Withdrawing from family and friends
    • Declining performance at school
    • Losing interest in their favorite activities
    • Changes in eating habits (eating more or less)
    • Sleeping too much or not being able to sleep
    • Saying they want to die or thinking about suicide

Many depressed children have physical complaints and behavioral changes. They may have headaches and stomach aches or seem irritable, angry, or restless.

How are anxiety and depression treated?

Orchid Pediatrics takes a whole-child approach when treating anxiety and depression, drawing from options such as individual therapy, family therapy, medication for anxiety and depression, and complementary approaches such as relaxation techniques. 

Children can overcome anxiety and depression with compassionate care at Orchid Pediatrics with the help of a depression therapist. Call the office or request an appointment online today.

Contact Orchid Pediatrics​

Use the brief form below to contact developmental pediatrician, Joy Eberhardt.

developmental pediatrician

Phone & Email

developmental pediatrics

Office Location

4850 SW Scholls Ferry Rd.
Suite 301
Portland, OR 97225

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